303 San Mateo Blvd NE, Suite 104
Albuquerque, NM 87108
Ph: 505.808.2870 Fax: 505.322.2709
Grief is a reaction to loss. Our reactions are unique and individual; none of us experiences grief exactly the same way. It can be felt with surprisingly different emotions and can sometimes be overwhelming. It is difficult to predict the grief process because grief is a unique experience for every individual.
Bereavement is ​the period of mourning following the loss of a loved one. The mourning period can last for weeks, months or even years.
At Bosque Trails Hospice, we understand that grief can be complex. We firmly believe that it is not linear and that there is no timeline when dealing with grief. We offer a variety of bereavement support services to help the those who have lost a loved one while on our hospice service.
Bereavement Services:
Our bereavement program offers support services for our patient’s families and friends for a minimum of 13 months following the loss of their loved one. We offer bereavement support groups, individual counseling sessions, education, community referrals, phone support, informational mailings throughout the year, and an Annual Memorial Service to celebrate and honor those we have lost.
Bereavement services are free of cost for the friends and family who have lost a loved one while enrolled in hospice care through Bosque Trails Hospice.